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>>> Hang glider SPEEDFEX

Bible home » Hang glider : Speedfex

If you have additional information (ex: specificity of piloting, various characteristics...) on the hang glider Speedfex by Finsterwalder, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :

Hang glider card : Speedfex
Name :
Manufacturer :
Year :
Pilot level :
Manual :
Document(s) :
speedfex-deutsch_id257.pdf | test-speedfex_id257.pdf
Hang glider model :
Wing area (m²) :
Wing span(m) :
Aspect ratio :
Hang glider weight (kg) :
Minimum pilot weight (kg) :
Maximum pilot weight (kg) :
Minimum speed (km/h) :
Maximum speed (km/h) :
Max glide ratio (L/H) :
Max glide ratio speed (km/h) :
Minimum sink rate (m/s) :
Packed length (m) :
Packed length short (m) :
Number of battens :
Nose angle (°) :



I bought a speedfex in 2004. I test flew it and found a sharp turn. Before my instructor (and reseller) could test it I broke my arm on a different glider.
In 2005 my instructor tested it and stated that it had a dangerous turn and should never have left the factory in that condition!
Instead of replacing the sail, leaving a new glider looking very old.

I would recommend to anyone NOT TO BUY a speedfex or any other delta from finsterwalder due to their poor customer service.

Il faut ne pas acheter de finsterwalder pour leur service des clientes. Ses deltaplanes peuvent etre dangereuse!

[Translation of the original French comment]
Last comment pretty unfriendly. 20 yrs on Fex and very happy. Never needed aftersales, wings are simple. Finsterwalder products aren't for assisted clients, they're first light and foldable wings for independent and free clients. The air they breathe would probably burn competitors' lungs. Nevertheless, Speedfex's indeed an alien in the Finsterwalder range.


I cannot share the first comment: Got a Perfex since many years being VERY happy with it. Super light and very turnable, also the customer service is OK. Some body who wants a short-pack glider is good with Finsterwalder.


Had a Perfex since Years and I 'am only flying with Finsterwalder gliders. When I was broken a noose plate theclient service/posting was correct. I had twoMinifex M2 and that was also great gliders! In our club all the pilots loves my Perfex and want to aks for a little thermaling. I have tryed WWSport, Stin, Impuls IC, etc. The Perfex fits for my size and my style and never will be changed to another.