Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Baptême de l'air en deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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>>> Hang Glider Bible


The Hang Glider Bible is a data-base which has the ambition to list each hang glider with its specifications. This objective is not yet achieved; we need your assistance to contribute additional data.

If you have information or documents on a hang glider or a manufacturer (photos, manuals, etc...) you can send them to us by mail : .

Hang glider chronology

Chronological presentation of hang-gliders, classified by year of manufacture.
For many hang-gliders we do not have the date of manufacture, these are classified under the heading "?".
With your assistance we hope to be able to add the missing data.


Hang glider  Sting Ray

Funny birds

Hang glider manufacturers occasionally have some funny ideas when they imagine the hang glider of their dreams.
Here is a selection of the strangest, most improbable or simply the most unusual hang gliders.

Hang glider  Atos Vr

Comments translation

In order to make the Hang Glider Bible accessible to the gratest number of people, it can be consulted in French or English.
If you wish to add your contribution to the development of the Hang Glider Bible, you can help us to translate the comments made by other users, in the two languages.

   Comments translation


The Hang Glider Bible in figures :

Number of referenced hang gliders : 894
Number of referenced harness : 103
Number of referenced manufacturers : 212
Number of comments (harness + hang glider) : 1319
Number of comments on the manufacturers : 38
Number of photos (large format) : 1638

Hang glider & Harness

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Last comments
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Last hang glider update

Ezy (North Wing Design)

Sport 3 (Wills Wing)

Sport 2 (Wills Wing)

Mars (Moyes)

16/18 (Moyes)

Alpin 2 (Pacific Gull Bleidiesel)

Storm (Solar Wings)

Sportster (Airwave)

Superfex (Finsterwalder)

Skyhook 3a (Skyhook)
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